Evosonic Records EVO088

Evosonic Records EVO088

Mike Opani – Charon (EVO088)

Artist: Mike Opani
Title: Charon
Art. Nr.: EVO088
Pre-Sale: 06/10/2023
Release Date: 20/10/2023
Format: LP
Offer: Download & Streaming
Genre: Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Techno (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic), Hard Techno, Electronica

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Evosonic Records EVO088


Mike Opani – Charon 61:16 min.

  1. Mike Opani – Orcus (Original Mix) 08:52 min.
  2. Mike Opani – Charon (Original Mix) 08:27 min.
  3. Mike Opani – Affect (Original Mix) 05:47 min.
  4. Mike Opani – Quadrant (Original Mix) 09:12 min.
  5. Mike Opani – Tartaros (Original Mix) 05:59 min.
  6. Mike Opani – Forma Divina (Original Mix) 04:39 min.
  7. Mike Opani – Kreisen (Original Mix) 07:42 min.
  8. Mike Opani – Elysium (Original Mix) 10:38 min.

All Tracks written and produced by Mike Opani.

© Evosonic Records 2023


With his second album, Mike Opani dives deep into the cultural heritage of his father and thus also dedicates himself to the history of his hometown Napoli. The inspiring splendour of this city, once founded by the Greeks as Neapolis (New City) and later expanded by the Romans, forms the basis for his new work.

„Charon“ bears witness to the unique influence of these two great civilisations. Mike Opani’s fascination with Greek and Roman mythology unfolds in full glory and results in a passionate engagement with these rich cultural traditions.

With „Charon“ he has created a remarkable work of art. It is a musical melting pot that impressively showcases the diversity and fascination for his historical roots.

With two shows he can be heard on Evosonic Radio for a long time. It is nice that he is now also represented on Evosonic Records with his second album.



Evosonic Records EVO078

Evosonic Records EVO078

Evosonic Records EVO078

Artist: Phil Harmony
Title: Deepnight Station Album Mix by dPorter
Pre-Order: 12/05/2023
Beatport Exklusive: 26/05/2023
Release Date: 09/06/2023
Format: DJ Mix
Offer: Download & Streaming
Genre: Deep House, Electronica

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Evosonic Records EVO078


Phil Harmony – Deepnight Station Album Mix by dPorter   –  58:52 min.

All Tracks written and produced by Phil Harmony.
Mixed by dPorter.

© Evosonic Records 2023


Top 10 Beatport Deep House and Top 20 Beatport Electronica Album Charts! Several weeks number 1 Beatport Breaks Single Charts! Congratulations to all of us. For producing, releasing, presenting and for this strong album mix of Phil Harmony’s „Deepnight Station“ by dPorter. As with the Continuous Mix from the compilation Backlist Vol. 5 (EvoRec 065), dPorter proves what he’s made of. This mix here stands for everything that distinguishes the Evosonic family. Spoiler alert: We have the first remixes from the album. You may be curious.



Evosonic Records EVO073

Evosonic Records EVO073

Evosonic Records EVO073

Artist: Phil Harmony
Title: Deepnight Station
Art. Nr.: EVO073
Release Date: 10/03/2023
Publisher: Evosonic Records
Format: LP
Offer: Download & Streaming
Genre: Deep House, Electronica

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Evosonic Records EVO073


Phil Harmony – Deepnight Station 77:44 min.

01. Intro 01:11 min.
02. Deepnight Station Feat. Drea Perlon (Album Version) 04:14 min.
03. Dubstronaut (Original Mix) 05:45 min.
04. Gnorts Mr. Alien (Original Mix) 04:22 min.
05. 00764 (Original Mix) 05:17 min.
06. Landing On The Moog (Original Mix) 03:49 min.
07. Stopover (Original Mix) 04:30 min.
08. Holodeck (Original Mix) 04:41 min.
09. Moonrise (Original Mix) 05:52 min.
10. Space Trumpet (Original Mix) 04:28 min.
11. Suborbital (Original Mix) 05:33 min.
12. Altitude (Original Mix) 05:35 min.
13. Home Space (Original Mix) 06:13 min.
14. Supersonic (Original Mix) 05:28 min.
15. Dread In Space (Original Mix) 05:14 min.
16. Like That (Original Mix) 05:32 min.

All Tracks written and produced by Phil Harmony.
Track 2: Vocals by Drea Perlon.

© Evosonic Records 2022


In 2005 Phil founded the Dubnight radio show, which is still running successfully today. Various gigs in clubs, between album productions and remixes followed. In 2018, the dream of getting his own show on Evosonic Radio, the leading electronic music station, came true.
Deepnight Station was born. In his radio show, Phil Harmony sees his DJ sets as a journey with a red thread. Music to float and fly away, from soft to hard everything is possible, only it must not be disharmonious. The first step to the album presented here was made in 2022. His contribution on the release „Evosonic25“ (EvoRec 063) catapulted the anniversary compilation of the cult radio several weeks to number 1 in the Beatport Bass House Charts.
It was only a matter of time to immortalize the music of the Deepnight Station on a longplayer. It is deep house at its finest, never turning its back on „dub“. Reaching a trance-like state is guaranteed.



Evosonic Records EVO067

Evosonic Records EVO067

Evosonic Records EVO067

Artist: Matziz
Title: L’émoi
Art. Nr.: EVO067
Release Date: 21.10.2022
Publisher: Evosonic Records
Format: LP
Offer: Download & Streaming

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01. Des Cornes Aux Bourgeons (Original Mix) 04:01 min.
02. Cléopatra (Original Mix) 04:16 min.
03. Lampyres (Original Mix) 04:24 min.
04. Bûchers (Original Mix) 04:44 min.
05. Collisions (Original Mix) 05:08 min.
06. Paperglue (Original Mix) 03:57 min.
07. Calaveras (Original Mix) 05:01 min.
08. Akène (Original Mix) 04:21 min.
09. La Lenteur De La Lumière (Original Mix) 03:36 min.
10. Le Roi Gelé (Original Mix) 03:15 min.
11. Cyprinidae (Original Mix) 04:12 min.
12. Redrum (Original Mix) 03:28 min.

All tracks written and produced by Mathieu Torres.

© Evosonic Records 2022


After „The Silver Cat“ (EvoRec 024) it is Matziz‘ second work for Evosonic Records. This LP, like the first, is simply different, simply sensational.
„L’émoi“ is an ode to the 12 months, the different cyclical feelings that return every year. Matziz tries to extract an essence, a certain perfume that he translates into a personal musical poetry.
12 instrumental tracks, between Trip-Hop, Drum & Bass, Electronica, IDM, or as he calls it „Weird French Touch“. Somehow not to categorize, somehow not tangible. And that’s exactly why it is of relevance for Evosonic Records.



Evosonic Records EVO050

Evosonic Records EVO050

Evosonic Records EVO050

ARTIST: Ponchmann And Friends
Title: Another Story Untold
Art. Nr.: EVO050
Pre-Order: 30/04/2021
Release Date: 14/05/2021
Publisher: Evosonic Records
Format: Album
Offer: Download & Streaming

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01 Cliffhanger Calling feat. Sandro Palazzo (Original Mix)
02 Departure (Original Mix)
03 Face-Off feat. Sandro Palazzo (Original Mix)
04 The Engagement (Original Mix)
05 Point Of No Return feat. Sandro Palazzo (Original Mix)
06 Allies & Enemy feat. Sandro Palazzo, Jose Azurmendi (Original Mix)
07 3 Keys To Get feat. Sandro Palazzo (Original Mix)
08 The Examination feat. Sandro Martinez, Hans Solo (Original Mix)
09 Gold Raising feat. Sandro Palazzo, Markus König (Original Mix)
10 Navigate Through Labyrinths feat. Sandro Palazzo (Original Mix)
11 Someones Defeat feat. Sandro Palazzo (Original Mix)
12 Circum Dance feat. Sandro Palazzo, Oliver Schwiers (Live)
13 Homecoming feat. Sandro Palazzo, Oliver Schwiers (Live)

Track 2, 4 produced by Ponchmann.
Track 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11 produced by Ponchmann, Sandro Palazzo.
Track 6 produced by Ponchmann, Sandro Palazzo, Jose Azurmendi.
Track 8 produced by Ponchmann, Sandro Martinez, Hans Solo.
Track 9 produced by Ponchmann, Sandro Palazzo, Markus König.
Track 12, 13 produced by Ponchmann, Sandro Palazzo, Oliver Schwiers.

© Evosonic Records 2021

Diese zweite LP von Ponchmann and Friends ist in allen Belangen zu Recht die 50. Veröffentlichung von Evosonic Records. Sledger Mastering: „danke für diese Tracks, es war die erstaunlichste Arbeit, die ich je hatte. Ich habe es mit großem Vergnügen gemastert“.

This second LP by Ponchmann and Friends is in all respects rightly the 50th release by Evosonic Records. Sledger Mastering: “Thanks for these tracks, it was the most amazing work I have ever done. I mastered it with great pleasure ”.

Ich lehne mich jetzt mal weit raus und gebe das Prädikat: Besonders Wertvoll. Ponchmann and Friends schaffen es tatsächlich, gebrochene Beats mit Jazz, etwas Funk, House und eine kleine Brise Rock, so zu kombinieren, dass man am Ende denkt, klar, das ist elektronische Musik. Wäre Immanuel Kant heute Plattenkritiker, würde sich seine „Besprechung“ von „Another Story Untold“ so anhören: Angelehnt an den Zyklus des fahrenden Helden in der Dramaturgie. Durchdrungen vom Sound der Improvisation. Erschaffen in Zeiten der Diskontinuität und Metamorphose zum Audial-Progrom. Versatzstücke musischer Diversität. Dieses Meisterwerk handelt aber auch von klassischen Themen, wie Liebe, Freundschaft, Familie, Arbeit, Leben, Tod, Anfang und Ende.

Addendum: Die letzten Worte auf dem Album, sind Drummer Olivers (R.I.P.) anerkennenden Emotionen nach einer fulminanten Jamsession.

I’m going to go out on a limb and give it the rating: Especially valuable. Ponchmann and Friends actually manage to combine broken beats with jazz, some funk, house and a little breeze of rock in such a way that in the end you think, sure, this is electronic music. If Immanuel Kant were a record critic today, his „review“ of „Another Story Untold“ would sound like this: Leaning on the cycle of the traveling hero in dramaturgy. Imbued with the sound of improvisation. Created in times of discontinuity and metamorphosis to audial progrom. Set pieces of musical diversity. But this masterpiece is also about classical themes, such as love, friendship, family, work, life, death, beginning and end.

Addendum: The last words on the album, are drummer Oliver’s (R.I.P.) appreciative emotions after a brilliant jam session.



Evosonic Records EVO041

Evosonic Records EVO041

Evosonic Records EVO041

ARTIST: Dudelsaladt
Title: dt
Art. Nr.: EVO041
Beatport Exclusive: 02.10.2020
Release Date: 16.10.2020
Publisher: Evosonic Records
Format: LP
Offer: Download & Streaming

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01 Dudelsaladt – Oeyyyyyyyyyyyyy feat. Large (Original Mix)
02 Dudelsaladt – Hand Drauf (Original Mix)
03 Dudelsaladt – dt (Original Mix)
04 Dudelsaladt – Pianopfeife feat. Pfeifi (Original Mix)
05 Dudelsaladt – Feferiffic (Fefes Muchlongmuch Version)
06 Dudelsaladt – Weltenzauber (Original Mix)
07 Dudelsaladt – Dingkolo8000 feat. LaserLennart (Original Mix)
08 Dudelsaladt – Krankes Schwein feat. Horst-Elvis (Original Mix)
09 Dudelsaladt – Schnippo (Original Mix)
10 Dudelsaladt – Caribamba (Original Mix)

All tracks written and produced by Nils Meißner & Felix von Bothmer

Mastering by http://sledgermastering.by/

© Evosonic Records 2020

Jeden Mittwoch kann man ab 19 Uhr dabei zusehen, wie Dudelsaladt live über ihre Videokanäle in nur 3 Stunden einen Track produzieren. Hier hört ihr nun eine Auswahl der 4. Staffel.

Every Wednesday from 7 pm you can watch Dudelsaladt live via their video channels produce a track in only 3 hours. Here you can listen to a selection of the 4th season.

Nicht, dass ich Dudelsaladt mit Underworld vergleichen möchte, das wäre doch etwas vermessen, denn schließlich machen die Jungs aus Bremen das, was Underworld “The Drift” nennen, schon im 5. Jahr. Underworld erst seit 2! Seit Staffel 4 kann man das Ergebnis immer freitags auf Evosonic Radio beim Evopool Update hören. Ganze 2 Tage nehmen sich die Jungs also Zeit, um das, was wöchentlich mittwochs, z.B. auf ihrem YouTube Kanal, entsteht, hörbar zu machen. Auf Evosonic Records erscheint nun ihre erste Veröffentlichung überhaupt und das gleich im Album Format. 10 ausgewählte Tracks aus der 4. Staffel sind hier fein zusammengestellt und bieten dem Hörer über 60 Minuten Progressiven Techno. Ok, Dudelsaladt haben zwar noch nie, im Gegensatz zu den Jungs aus England, einen großen Dancefloor Hit veröffentlicht, aber was nicht ist, kann noch werden. Bei dem Output bin ich mir sicher, dass es nicht mehr lange dauert, bis Nils und Fefe von Dudelsaladt das korrigieren.

Not that I want to compare Dudelsaladt with Underworld, that would be a little presumptuous, because after all, the guys from Bremen do what Underworld calls „The Drift“, already in its 5th year. Underworld only for 2! Since season 4 you can listen to the result every Friday on Evosonic Radio at Evopool Update. So, it takes 2 days for the guys to finish what is produced weekly on Wednesdays, e.g. on their YouTube channel. Their first release ever is now available on Evosonic Records in album format. 10 selected tracks from the 4th season are finely arranged and offer the listener about 60 minutes of progressive techno. Ok, Dudelsaladt have never, unlike the guys from England, released a big dancefloor hit, but what is not, can still be. With this output I’m sure it won’t take long until Nils and Fefe from Dudelsaladt correct this.



Evosonic Records EVO024

Evosonic Records EVO024

Evosonic Records EVO024

Title: The Silver Cat
Art. Nr.: EVO024
Release Date: Nov 2018
Publisher: Evosonic Records
Format: LP
Offer: Download

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1. Turtle (Original Mix)
2. EINA (Original Mix)
3. Sushi (Original Mix)
4. Ferry (Original Mix)
5. Glass Marx (Original Mix)
6. Le Clochard Celeste (Original Mix)
7. Montgolfière 2018 (Original Mix)
8. L’indice qui dure… (Original Mix)
9. Hawai Social 2018 (Original Mix)
10.Clapeyron (Original Mix)
11.Concrepolis 2018 (Original Mix)
12.Another Point of View 2018 (Original Mix)
13.Opium Skies 2018 (Original Mix)
14.Oldrawer (Original Mix)

© Evosonic Records 2018

Matziz komponiert an den Grenzen von Filmmusiken, auch Hip-Hop, Rock und Jazz. Hier sein Versuch, Bilder in Musik zu übersetzen, die Klangmaterie zu formen, mit Texturen zu spielen und daraus eine emotionale Essenz zu extrahieren. Unser neues „Familienmitglied“ Matziz ist der elektronische Teil von dem französischen Musikproduzenten Mathieu TORRES. An den Grenzen von Filmmusiken komponiert er auch Hip-Hop, Rock und Jazz.

Matziz arbeitet auch mit #DIRTINTHEWIND, einem berühmten Kollektiv von Kunstfilmern, zusammen. Für die Musik (Turtle, Track 1 auf der LP) zum Kurz Film „Tiroirs“ wurde er mit dem „Best Music Price“ auf dem 48h Film Festival ausgezeichnet.

Matziz composes at the boundaries of film music, including hip-hop, rock and jazz. Here is his attempt to translate images into music, to shape the sound material, to play with textures and to extract an emotional essence from it. Our new „family member“ Matziz is the electronic part of French music producer Mathieu TORRES. He also composes hip-hop, rock and jazz at the boundaries of film music.

Matziz also works with #DIRTINTHEWIND, a famous collective of art filmmakers. For the music (Turtle, track 1 on the LP) for the short film „Tiroirs“ he was honored with the „Best music price“ at the 48h Film Festival.



Evosonic Records EVO016

Evosonic Records EVO016

Evosonic Records EVO016

Artist: Ponchmann
Title: The Lost Files Of Heartbreakhotel
Art. Nr.: EVO016
Release Date: 16.02.2018
Publisher: Evosonic Records
Format: LP
Offer: Download

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01. El Intuitivo feat. Mike Schott,
Sandro Palazzo, Achim Hester
02. Discolicious Ride feat. Sandro Palazzo
03. Temptation feat. Sandro Palazzo
04. Lost In Transition feat. Sandro Palazzo
05. Good Morning Mana feat. Sandro Palazzo,
Markus Koenig, Nadine Blank
06. Les Loungiers feat. Sandro Palazzo,
Markus Koenig
07. Doc Funkensteen feat. Sandro Palazzo
08. The Big Latinowsky feat. Sandro Palazzo
09. Blunted Hunt
10. A Letter From Klaus
11. Ganjadub Session feat. Markus Koenig,
Sandro Palazzo
12. Blue Smoothy feat. Markus Koenig

All tracks written and produced by Ponchmann.
Track 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 co-produced by Sandra Palazzo.
Track 5, 6, 11, 12 co-produced by Markus Koenig.
Track 1 co-produced by Mike Schott, Achim Hester.
Track 5 co-produced by Nadine Blank.

© Evosonic Records 2018

Durch Herz, Schmerz, Freundschaft und Liebe zur Musik sind zwischen 2004 und 2012 viele Tracks entstanden und auch wieder verschwunden. 12 sind wiederaufgetaucht. Zeitloser Freestyle-House von Jazz durchflutet, das Tempo mal up und mal down.

Through heart, pain, friendship and love for music, between 2004 and 2012 many tracks were created and also disappeared. 12 have reappeared. Timeless freestyle house flooded with jazz, the tempo up and down.

Ponchmann, Sandro, Markus, Mike und Achim haben zusammen viel erlebt, viel gemacht und erdacht, vor allem aber auch Musik. Die Jungs vom sog. „HeartbreakHotel“ haben mit Ihren Freestyle-Sessions von 2004 bis 2012 eine Unmenge an Tracks kreiert, die leider lange Zeit auf defekten Festplatten verborgen blieben. 2017 sind 12 davon „gerettet“ worden. Diese LP beweist mal wieder, dass nicht jede Musik einen Genre- und Zeitstempel haben muss. Sie zu beschreiben fällt daher umso schwerer. Ich versuche aber dieses Kunstwerk doch noch zu etikettieren: Ein perfekter Tarantino Soundtrack der elektronischen Art.

Ponchmann, Sandro, Markus, Mike and Achim have experienced a lot together, made a lot and thought, but above all, music. The guys from the so-called „HeartbreakHotel“ created a lot of tracks with their freestyle sessions from 2004 to 2012, which unfortunately remained hidden on defective hard disks for a long time. In 2017, 12 of them have been „saved“. This LP proves once again that not every music has to have a genre and timestamp. It is even harder to describe them. But I still try to label this work of art: a perfect Tarantino soundtrack of the electronic kind.



Evosonic Records EVO013

Evosonic Records EVO013

Evosonic Records EVO013

Artist: Frank Krumsdorf
Title: Good News
Art. Nr.: EVO013
Release Date: Nov 2017
Evosonic Records Format: LP
Offer: Download

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01. Good News (Original Mix)
02. Crispy (Original Mix)
03. Dipdap (Original Mix)
04. Everyday (Original Mix)
05. Highway (Original Mix)
06. Jazzernoon (Original Mix)
07. Tuff Funk (Original Mix)
08. Eleven Fifty Five (Original Mix)
09. Good Thing (Original Mix)
10. Better Late Than Never (Original Mix)

All tracks written and produced by Frank Krumsdorf.
© Evosonic Records 2017

Die LP Good News entzieht sich jeder Einordnung in eines der bekannten Genres. Der Stil von Frank Krumsdorf ist stark von Jazzeinflüssen geprägt. Das ist aber auch schon der einzige Hinweis in eine Richtung. Eine wundervolle LP die durchweg überrascht.

The LP Goodnews can not be categorized as one of the well-known genres. The style of Frank Krumsdorf is strongly influenced by jazz and electronics. This is also the only reference in one direction. A wonderful LP which is consistently surprised.

Alleine passen alle vier Remixe nicht in eine Schublade. Das liegt mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit am Original von der demnächst erscheinenden gleichnamigen LP. Der Stil Das Leben ist ein Fluss. Alles verändert sich. Nichts bleibt wie es war und doch ist es immer das alte Lied von Liebe und Hass, Hoffnung und Verzweiflung, von Licht und Schatten und von denen die sich da durchkämpfen. Und was macht Frank? Er kommentiert das. Er reflektiert das. Er begleitet das. Frank hat sich zu einem Stil hin entwickelt, der stark von Jazzeinflüssen geprägt ist. Wichtig ist ihm, die Ausdrucksstärke der Stücke. Das Erzeugen von Stimmungen. Ein Soundtrack ohne Film. Eine wundervolle LP, die sich mal wieder jeder Einordnung in eines der bekannten Genres entzieht.

Life is a river. Everything changes. Nothing remains as it was, and it‘ s always the old song of love and hate, hope and despair of light and shadow, and of those who fight through. And what does Frank do? He comments on that. He reflects that. He accompanies this. Frank has developed into a style that is strongly influenced by jazz and electronics. It is important to him, the expressiveness of the pieces. Creating Moods. A soundtrack without a movie. A wonderful LP, which once again withdraws itself from any classification into one of the known genres.


Frank Krumsdorf

Evosonic Records EVO010

Evosonic Records EVO010

Evosonic Records EVO010

Artist: Chris Maico Schmidt
Title: Two Point One (Philipp Giebel Rework)
Art. Nr.: EVO010
Release Date: 16.06.2017
Publisher: Evosonic Records
Format: Album
Offer: Download

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01 Chris Maico Schmidt – Marvin
(Philipp Giebel’s Breaks Mix)
02 Chris Maico Schmidt – Downtown
(Philipp Giebel Edit)
03 Chris Maico Schmidt – Son
(Philipp Giebel Edit)
04 Chris Maico Schmidt – Begging
(Philipp Giebel Edit)
05 Chris Maico Schmidt – Father
(Philipp Giebel’s Babba Edit)
06 Chris Maico Schmidt – Rain
(Philipp Giebel Edit)
07 Chris Maico Schmidt – Nice
(Philipp Giebel Edit)
08 Chris Maico Schmidt – Easy
(Philipp Giebel Edit)
09 Chris Maico Schmidt – Pray
(Philipp Giebel’s Pray More Edit)
10 Chris Maico Schmidt – Enemy Mine
(Philipp Giebel’s No Time For Love Edit)
11 Chris Maico Schmidt – Sing The Song
(Philipp Giebel’s Mo Cheese Pleese Edit)
12 Chris Maico Schmidt – Two Point One
(Philipp Giebel’s Continuous Mix)

Philipp Giebel aka stimpy tut, was er am besten kann: Fremde Ideen nehmen, zerhacken und neu zusammensetzen. In diesem Fall das Album „Two Point Zero“ von Chris Maico Schmidt (EVO001)

Philipp Giebels Rework des Albums „Two Point Zero“ von Chris Maico Schmidt. Stilistisch weiterhin irgendwo zwischen Tech House und Techno angesiedelt hat es mit einer extra Portion Liebe versehen, um den einen oder anderen Breakbeat angereichert und zu einem durchgängigen Mix verarbeitet, die sich am besten im Sonnenschein auf einer grünen Wiese genießen lässt.

Philipp Giebel’s rework of the album „Two Point Zero“ by Chris Maico Schmidt. Stylistically still located somewhere between Tech House and Techno it has provided with an extra portion of love, enriched by one or the other breakbeat and processed into a continuous mix, which is best enjoyed in the sunshine on a green field.


Philipp Giebel